How To Work Smarter, Not Harder

Today's labor saving devices are designed to help us accomplish more in less time. But, it is not that simple. With a zillion such devices in our possession, we still can get bogged down. A lot of things that we need to get done, can get left undone. The truth of the matter is, we need to learn to work smarter, not harder.

 Before starting any project, it is important to assess what needs to be accomplished. Making a to-do list is helpful. This helps prevent parts of the project from being left undone. For those who don't like to write things down, at least good mental notes are essential.

 This can be done by listing most important things first. Or, assign each job a number to signify its importance. This prioritizes the tasks at hand. Jobs that are mundane, but still necessary, can be placed at the bottom, or in a separate column. Time limits should be set for each job. A timer can be used. Alarms on cell phones are handy for this. A large wall calendar is an easy way to keep track of deadlines. Computer calendars are beneficial for some. Others prefer pocket date books.

 After assessing and prioritizing, each task requires organization. This makes each assignment go smoothly. Breaking big jobs into smaller ones can make them less stressful. The question "How can this task be simplified"? one must ask frequently. However, caution is necessary. A task must be done properly, even if more time is required. Keeping clutter out of the way is another means of being organized. A good but easy filing system is essential.

 No one wants to be labeled anti-social. But, time for working is not time for socializing. Family and friends need to know that calling or dropping by is taboo. On-the-job buddies can also slow down performance. Email is a big time stealer. The fewer one gets, the better. Even job-related ones should not be read more often than necessary.

 Attend important and mandatory meetings only. For others, request a copy of the minutes of the meetings. Read them at a convenient time.

 Each person has a responsibility to take care of themselves. Get enough sleep. Eat a balanced diet. Take breaks. Don't cancel vacations except in extreme situations. If these steps are followed, it will be easy to work smarter, not harder.


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